Thursday, December 5, 2019


General Interview Questionnaire

1. How did you turn to this field?
2. What challenges did you face in the early stage?
3. What fascinated you most ?
4. What helped you to perform to such an extent?
5. Will you tell us any memorable event?
6. What strategies have you adopted to succeed?
7. How did you feel at the zenith of success?
8. What message would you like to share with us?


1.Frame 8 interview questions you would put to the topper of the HSC Board at the recently held examinations.

1.Congratulation.I would like to ask if you expected that you would be topper of the board
2.Whom do you give credit for your success?
3.What role did your school teachers and parents play in your preparation for the HSC examinations?
4.How much time did you spend a day on studies?
5.What method of study did you adopt?
6.Who helped you to overcome your difficulties?
7.What is your ambition in life?
8.What is your immediate goal?
9.Which career do you propose to choose?
10.Any advice to the present batch of students? Please state.


Prepare a list of questions to interview a disable person who has achieved a unique success.

1. Hello, Sudhaji Good morning. 
Ma’m, we would like to know about your successful journey in life.Will you please tell us? 
2.How did you lose your leg? 
3.How did you overcome that? 
4. Is the film ‘Nache Mayuri’ based on your real life story? 
5. What special efforts did you take to perform in the movie or dance shows?
6. How did you feel when you succeeded in preforming well ?

7. Do you feel any difference in performance of the disable and the abled?
8.What do you like to tell the disable?

3.A list of interview question for an actor/actress

1. How do you sustain interest in a movie?

2. What about this movie made you feel so strongly towards?

3. What are the challenges of playing different roles?

4. Do you have to learn new skills to portray the characters? Tell our readers.

5. How do you prepare for a character?

6. How do you devise the method of locating the character?

7. Do you have to become the character even at the expense of your regular life?

8. Do you believe in spending time at the location?

9. How different it is to play contrasting roles like a cop and a don?

10. How do you feel when your film becomes a blockbuster?



   Identify and Explain Figures of speech


Straight comparison between two different things by using words like ‘as’, ‘as…’, ‘so….as,’ ‘like’.

i). They’re pretty like you.
Explanation: In the poem ‘they’ stand for flowers and ‘you’ stand for mother. So flowers are clearly compared with mother.
ii). settle like sterile clouds
iii). They shiver like December nights
iv). trembling like waves
v). They whisper like drizzles
vi). But the huge banyan tree stood like a problem.
vii).She had such a wonderful face
just like a golden flower faded

2. Metaphor

Def: An implied comparison between two different things that actually have something important in common. Two different things are supposed to be one.
1.You are a beacon-light for people far and wide.
Explanation : (‘You’ in this line is implicitly compared with ‘beacon-light’)
2. Old women once
were continents
3. With the fleeting passage of a runner or shy hotel for travelers. Explanation: ‘fleeting passage’ here means life, runner compared with a middle class man, hotel compared with earth travelers compared with middle class people.
4. Peace is a woman

3. Antithesis

Contrasting ideas or words are placed close to each other in balanced phrases.

In short two opposite word in same sentence

1. If you have the will to live and courage to die.
Explanation : The opposite words ‘to live’ and ‘to die’ are juxtaposed.
2. How we treat our loved ones, young and old.
3. All dawns pass leaving them in the dark.
4. Only thinking in the present, not learning from the past.
5.One by one the structures were demolished

Only our own house remained and the trees

4. Metonymy

A word is used to represent a class or category of things.
Not gold but only men can make
A pepole great and strong

5. Hyperbole

An extravagant statement; the use of exaggerated terms for the purpose of emphasis or heightened effect.
1. A thousand candles then lit in her starry eyes.
2. We used to think seven generations ahead

6. Paradox

A statement that appears contradictory, absurd or unbelievable but it may be true.Examples: 1. I celebrate the virtues and vices. Explanation: Celebration of vices seems absurd.

7. Repetition

A word is repeated pleasingly in a line.Examples:
1.Fifty men with axes chopped and chopped
2."Wake up, little one, wake up,"
3.untamed beasts roam far, far from town

8. Personification

A figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstraction is endowed with human qualities or abilities.

1. They do not fear death, they died long ago. Explanation : "death" is treated like human being.
2. .....the valley play hide and seek
3., the wind caressing our crown

9. Pun

A play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words.
(Not imp for hsc)

10. Transferred Epithet
A figure of speech in which an adjective is transferred from one noun to another. Examples 1. shy hotel for travelers Explanation : An adjective ‘shy’ is transferred from the travelers to a hotel.


The use of words that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to.
1.They whisper like drizzles

12. Alliteration

The repetition of an initial consonant sound

13. Climax

Ideas, words are arranged in ascending order1.They had deep woods in them. Lakes, mountains, volcanoes even raging gulfs.

14. Anticlimax

Ideas, words are arranged in descending order1.When the earth was in heat, they melted, shrank, leaving only their maps.

15 Onamatopoea

Words represent sound.
1.They whisper like drizzles
2. raging gulfs.

16. Inversion

The words are not arranged in prose order.1. common courtesy you use

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Revision Notes on Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current JEE NEET NDA NAVY

  • Revision Notes on Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
  • Magnetic flux:- 
Magnetic FluxMagnetic flux lined with the surface is defined as the product of area and component of B perpendicular that area.
\phi _{B} = \vec{B}.\vec{A} = BA cos\theta
ϕB = µnAH
Here, µ is the permeability of the medium, n is the number of turns, A is the area and H is the magnetic field intensity.
(a) When θ = 90º, cosθ = 0. So, ϕB = 0
This signifies, no magnetic flux is linked with surface when the field is parallel to the surface.
(b) When θ = 0º, cosθ = 1. So,(ϕB)max = 1
This signifies, magnetic flux linked with a surface is maximum when area is held perpendicular to the direction of field.
  • Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction:-
(a) Whenever magnetic flux linked with a circuit changes, an e.m.f is induced in it.
(b) The induced e.m.f exists in the circuit so long as the change in magntic flux linked with it continues.
(c) The induced e.m.f is directly proportional to the negative rate of change of magnetic flux linked with the circuit.
So, E = -dϕB/dt
Negative sign is due to the direction of induced e.m.f.
  • Induced electric field:-
e.m.f = \int \vec{E}d\vec{l}
  • Lenz’s Law:-
It states that direction of induced e.m.f. is such that it tends to oppose the very csause which produces it.
The induced e.m.f. always tends to oppose the cause of its production.
  • Motion of a straight conductor in a uniform magnetic field:-
(a) W = Bevl
(b) Motional e.m.fE = Bvl
(c) Induced current, I = E/R = Blv/R
(d) F = IlB = B2l2v/R
(e) P = Fv = IlBv = B2l2v2/R
(f) H = I2R = B2l2v2/R                             
  • Motion of a loop in a magnetic field when whole of the coil is in the magnetic field:
(a) Motional e.m.f , E = 0
(b) Resultant Current, I = 0
(c) Force, F = 0
(d) Power, P = 0
  • Motion of a loop in a magnetic field when a part of the loop is out of the magnetic field:-
(a) ϕB = Blx
(b) Induced e.m.f , E = Blv
  • Power:-
P = I2R = E2/R
P = B2l2v2/R       (Since, E = Blv)
(a) Coil out of field:- ϕB =0, E = 0, P = 0
(b) Coil entering the magnetic field:-
ϕincreases gradually
E = a negative constant
P = a positive constant
(c) Coil moving in the magnetic field:-
ϕ= Constant
E = 0
P = 0
(d) Coil leaving the magnetic field:-
ϕdecreases gradually
E = a positive constant
P = a positive constant
(e) Coil out of magnetic field:-
ϕ= 0
E = 0
P = 0
  • Self-Induction:- Self Induction of a circuit is defined as the property of the circuit by virtue of which it tends to oppose a change in the strength of current, through it, by inducing an e.m.f. in itself. 
(a) Magnetic flux, ϕB = LI
Here L is the coefficient of self -induction.
(b) e.m.f., E = -L [dI/dt]
(c) L = µ0 µrnNA
Here, n is the number of turns per unit length
  • Series and parallel combination:-
(a) L = L1+L2 (If inductors are kept far apart and joined in series)
(b) L = L1+L2±2M   (If inductors are connected in series and they have mutual inductance M)
(c) 1/L = 1/L1 + 1/L2 (If two conductors are connected in parallel and are kept for apart)
(d) M = KL1L2      (If two coils of self-inductances, L1 and L2 are over each other)
  • Inductance of wire:-
  • Inductance of hollow cylinder:-
L = µ0l/2π [ln 2l/a -1],  >> a
Inductance of hollow cylinder
  • Inductance of parallel wires:-
L = µ0l/π [ln d/a -1], >> dd >> a
Inductance of parallel wires
  • Inductance of Coaxial conductor:-
µ0l/π [ ln b/a]
Inductance of Coaxial conductor
  • Inductance of Circular loop:-
L = µ0l/2π [ln 4l/d – 2.45]
l = -2πρ0ρ0 >> d
Inductance of Circular loop
  • Inductance of Solenoid:-
L = µ0N2S/l
L >> a
Inductance of Solenoid
  • Inductance of Torus (of circular cross section):-
L = µ0N2 [ρ0 - √ ρ02 – a2]
Inductance of Torus (of circular cross section)
  • Inductance of Sheet:-
L = µ02l [ln (2l/b+t) + 0.5]
Inductance of Sheet
  • Energy stored in an conductor:-
(a) W = ½ LI2
Here L is the coefficient of self -induction.
(b) UB = B2/2µ0
  • Mutual Induction:-
Mutual induction of two circuits is the phenomenon where a current changing in the first coil results in the induction of an e.m.f. in the second.
  • Coefficient of Mutual Induction:-
ϕMI and E = -M[dI/dt]
Here M is called the coefficient of mutual induction of two circuits.
The value of MM =  µ0 µrn1 N2 A
M depends upon,
(a) Area of cross-section of the two coils
(b) Number of turn of each coil
(c) Distance between the two coils
(d) Nature of material used as core
  • Fleming’s right hand rule:-
Stretch first finger, central finger and the thumb of your right hand in three mutually perpendicular directions. If the first finger points towards the magnetic field, thumb points towards the direction of motion of conductor, the direction of central finger gives the direction of induced current set up in the conductor.
Fleming’s right hand rule
  • Coil rotating in a uniform magnetic field:-
(a) Magnetic flux, ϕB = µnaH [cos ωt]
(b) Electromagnetic Induction, E = µnaωH [sin ωt]
(c) Current, I = [µnaωH[sin ωt]]/R
  • Growth and decay of current in LR circuit:-
(a) I = I0(1-e-t/τ)         (for growth), Here τ = L/R
(b) I = I0e-t/τ               (for decay), Here τ = L/R
  • Alternating Current:-Alternating Current
An alternating current (a.c.) is a current which continuously, changes in magnitude and periodically reverses in direction.`
i = I0 sin ωt = I0 sin (2π/Tt
Here I0 is the peak value of a.c.
(a) Current, I =I0 sin ωt
(b) Angular frequency, ω= 2π  (n is the frequency of a.c.)
(c) I =I0 sin 2πnt
  • Mean value of A.C or D.C. value of A.C.:-
Mean value of a.c. is that value of steady current which sends the same amount of charge, through a circuit, in same time as is done by a.c. in one half-cycle.
(Iav)half cycle = (2/π)I0
Thus, mean value of alternating current is 2/π times (0.637 times) its peak value.
(Vav)half cycle = (2/π) V0
Mean value of A.C or D.C. value of A.C.
  • Average value of A.C. over a complete cycle:-
Iav = 0
The average value of a.c. taken over the complete cycle of zero.
  • Root mean square value of a.c. or virtual value of a.c.:-
Root mean square value of alternating current is defined as that value of steady current which produces same heating effect, in a resistance, in a certain time as is produced by the alternating current in same resistance in same time. The r.m.s value of also called its virtual value.
Irms = I0/√2
Root mean square value of alternating current is I/√2 times (or 0.707 times) the peak value of current.
Similarly, VrmsV0/√2
Here V0 is the peak value of e.m.f.
  • Form Factor:-
Form Factor = rms value/average value = (V0/√2)/ (2 V0/π)  = π/2√2
  • Current elements:-
(a) Inductive reactance:- XL = ωL
Here, ω = 2πn, n being frequency of a.c.
L is the coefficient of self-inductance of coil.
(b) Capacitative reactance:- Xc = 1/ωC
Here C is the capacity of the condenser
  • Capacitor in AC circuit:-
Capacitor in AC circuitq = CV0sinωt
I = I0 sin(ωt +π/2)
V0 = I0/ωC
Xc = 1/ωC
  • Inductor in AC circuit:-
Inductor in AC circuitVL(dI/dt) = LI0ω cosωt
I = (V0/ ωL) sinωt
Here, I0 = V0/ ωL
XL = ωL
And the maximum current, I0 = V0/XL
  • R-L circuit:-
I = ε/R [1-e-Rt/L]
V = ε e-Rt/L
R-L circuit
  • Graph between I (amp) and t (sec):-
Graph between I (amp) and t (sec)
  • Graph between potential difference across inductor and time:-
Graph between potential difference across inductor and time
  • L-C Circuit:-
L-C Circuit
f = 1/2π√LC
q = q0 sin (ωt+ϕ)
I = q0ωsin (ωt+ϕ)
ω = 1/√LC
  • The total energy of the system remains conserved,
    ½ CV2 + ½ Li2 = constant = ½ CV02 = ½ Li02
  • Series in C-R circuit:-
Series in C-R circuit
 V = IZ
The modulus of impedance, |Z |= √R2+(1/ωC)2
The potential difference lags the current by an angle, ϕ = tan-1(1/ωCR)
  • Series in L-C-R Circuit:
Series in L-C-R Circuit
V = IZ
The modulus of impedance, |Z |= √[R2+(ωL-1/ωC)2]
The potential difference lags the current by an angle, ϕ = tan-1[ωL -1/ωC)/R]
  • Circuit elements with A.C:-
Circuit elements
Amplitude relation
Circuit quantity
Phase of V
V0 = i0R
In phase with i
V0 = i0XC
Lags i by 90°
V0 = i0XL
XL = wL
Leads i by 90°
  • Resonance:-
(a) Resonance frequency:- fr = 1/2π√LC
(b) At resonance, XL = XC, ϕ = 0, Z = R(minimum), cosϕ = 1, sinϕ = 0 nad current is maximum (=E0/R)
  • Half power frequencies:-
(a) Lower,  f1 = fr – R/4πL    or      ω1 = ωr – R/2L
(b) Upper,  f2 = fr + R/4πL    or      ω2 = ωr + R/2L
  • Band width:- Δf = R/2πL   or   Δf = R/L
  • Quality Factor:-
(a) Q = ωr/Δω = ωrL/R
(b) As ω = 1/√LC, So Q ∝ √LQ ∝1/R and Q ∝ 1/√C
(c) Q = 1/ωrCR
(d) Q = XL/R   or  Q = XC/R 
(e) Q = frf   
  • At resonance, peak voltages are:-
(a) (VL)res = e0Q
(b) (VC)res = e0Q
(c) (VR)res = e0
  • Conductance, susceptance and admittance:-
(a) Conductance, G = 1/R
(b) Susceptance, S = 1/X
(c) SL = 1/XL and SC = 1/XC = ωC
(d) Admittance, Y = 1/Z
(e) Impedance add in series while add in parallel
  • Power in AC circuits:-
Circuit containing pure resistance:- Pav = (E0/√2)×(I0/√2) = Ev×Iv
Here Ev and Iv are the virtual values of e.m.f and the current respectively.
Circuit containing impedance (a combination of R,L and C):-
Pav = (E0/√2)×(I0/√2) cosϕ = (Ev×Iv) cosϕ
Here cosϕ is the power factor.
(a) Circuit containing pure resistance, Pav = EvIv
(b) Circuit containing pure inductance, Pav = 0
(c) Circuit containing pure capacitance, Pav = 0
(d) Circuit containing resistance and inductance,
Z = √R2+(ωL)
cosϕ R/Z = R/[√{R2+(ωL)2}]
(e) Circuit containing resistance and capacitance:-
Z = √R2+(1/ωC)2
cosϕ R/Z = R/[√{R2+(1/ωC)2}]
(f) Power factor, cosϕ = Real power/Virtual power = Pav/ErmsIrms
  • Transformer:-
(a) Cp = Np (dϕ/dt) and es = Ns (dϕ/dt)
(b) ep/es = Np/Ns
(c) As, epIp = esIs, Thus, Is/Ip = ep/es = Np/Ns
(d) Step down:- eepNsNp and IsIp
(e) Step up:- e>ep, Ns>Np and IsIp
(f) Efficiency, η = es Is/ ep Ip
  • AC Generator:-
e = e0 sin (2πft)
Here, e0 = NBAω